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A dynamic working culture, proactive decision-making and strong collaborations – there is one group in particular that plays a pivotal role in whether or not such goals succeed: Talent 45+

Even today, the 45+ demographic is the ‘biggest group’ in knowledge-intensive fields within many industries. Over the next few years, it will be professionals and executives in the 45+ bracket who will be the decision makers with responsibility. This large group has a significant influence on the culture and concept of performance. At the same time, the target group is socialised in its organisations and rooted in existing processes and unwritten rules of conduct. Any negative cultural tendencies or even loss of performance that arise, pose a risk for future corporate development. All of these risks are taken into account in Talent 45+ projects. Our projects actively counter these risks by developing targeted HR-measures.
Talent 45+ are the number 1 influencing factor where the adaptability of organisations is concerned.
With respect to the demands inherent in future requirements, specialist and executive personnel 45+ as a group are key to various aspects that are critical for success:
The trigger for Talent 45+ projects is often the perception of risks and the need for action on the aforementioned issues. Close links between the areas of risk and current objectives of organisations become clear in this context. Talent 45+ is a key HR-value contribution topic. Talent 45+ Projects achieve:
Precise picture of the requirements
From a proposal for a decision with a risk assessment to highly detailed courses of action and important information on the structure of measures.
Targeted HR-Customer Experience
The involvement of the target group, as well as other groups of employees, in the determination of requirements and the use of agile methods in development encourage dynamism, personal responsibility and secure subsequent use quotas.
Effective measures in Talent Management 45+
The decisive (and often still absent) pillar in Talent Management is added: Development paths and options. From the adjustment and expansion of existing options to QuickWins and new development paths and ways of working – always in line with the organisation’s capacity and strategic goals.
Strategically relevant cultural effects
Positive cultural change is a cross-sectional topic across the entire project. From communication to involvement & methods through to the targeted structure and linkage of measures.
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